(Rubiaceae) Paederia foetida L. (Syn. P. scandens (Lour. ) Merr.
Local name(s): ເຄືອ ຕົດ ໝາກ້ ຽງ (kheua toht ma kieng) ; ຕົດ ໝາ ປ່າ (toht ma pa)
Medicinal use(s): treat stomachache
Part(s) used: whole plant
Field Characters: Vine, flowers dull pink, with a violet throat.
Locality: Oudomxay Province, Muang Xay District, Donxay Village, Medicinal Biodiversity Preserve, about 3 km south of the city.
Habitat: Open field. Edge of a broadleaved, mixed evergreen lowland tropical rainforest.
Altitude: 730 m asl.
Collector(s): D.D. Soejarto, K. Sydara, M. Xayvue
Collection number(s): DDS 15085
Collection Date: September 26, 2014
Local name(s): ຕົດ ໝາ ໃບ ກາງ (toht ma bai kang)
Medicinal use(s): Used in treatment of heart disease.
Part(s) used: Whole plant
Field Characters: Vine, young fruits green, mature fruits green.
Locality: Luang Prabang province, Park Ou district, Medicinal Biodiversity Preserve above Somsanouk village.
Habitat: Subtropical monsoon forest on steep slope, ascending to the base of limestone mountain that rises precipitously to a peak of ca. 1000 m asl. Greater part of vegetation cover was leafless at the time of this fieldwork.
Altitude: 390 m asl.
Collector(s): D.D. Soejarto, K. Sydara, M. Xayvue
Collection number(s): DDS 15437
Collection Date: February 11, 2020
Additional information:
Voucher specimen is in deposit at the Field Museum (F) Herbarium, Chicago, USA under accession no. 2314198; 2330006.Synonyms, images, taxonomic description:
Plants of the World onlineFlora of China Vol. 19 Page 282, 283, 284, 285GBIF | Global Biodiversity Information Facility
Medicinal properties:
Dutta PP, Marbaniang K, Sen S, et al. A review on phytochemistry of Paederia foetida Linn. Phytomedicine Plus 2023, Volume 3, Issue 1, 100411. ISSN 2667-0313. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.phyplu.2023.100411. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2667031323000076)
Khushbu C, Patel Anar, Patel Mayuree P, et al. Paederia foetida Linn. as a potential medicinal plant: a review. Journal of Pharmacy Research 2010, volume 3, pages 3135-3137. https://api.semanticscholar.org/CorpusID:78868178
Macwan C. Paederia foetida Linn. as a potential medicinal plant : A Review. Journal of Pharmacy Research 2010, 3(12):3135-3137. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/275555331_Paederia_foetida_Linn_As_a_potential_medicinal_plant_A_Review
Roy P, Das H, Samim A, et al. A review on Paederia foetida as a medicinal plant and it's pharmacological activities. Phytomedicine Plus 2023, volume 3, Issue 1, 100411. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.phyplu.2023.100411 10.20959/wjpps202112-20659.
Sarma MK, Saha D, Das BK, et al. A delve into the pharmacological targets and biological mechanisms of Paederia foetida Linn.: A rather invaluable traditional medicinal plant. Naunyn- Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol. 2023, 396(10):2217-2240. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00210-023-02496-4 Epub 2023 Apr 26. PMID: 37099165.
Wang L, Jiang Y, Han T, et al. A phytochemical, pharmacological and clinical profile of Paederia foetida and P. scandens. Nat Prod Commun. 2014, 9(6):879-86. PMID: 25115105. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25115105/