(Pandaceae) Microdesmis caseariifolia Planch. ex Hook.
Local name(s): (houn hai; ohm toh)
Medicinal use(s): treat heat inside body, rashes, and skin inflammations.
Part(s) used: root, leaf
Field Characters: Treelet, fruits globular-ellipsoid, green.
Locality: Bolikhamxai Province, Paksan district, Somsavath Village, Medicinal Plant Preserve, at 20 km from Paksan city center.
Habitat: Secondary forest. Remnants of broadleaved evergreen, lowland tropical rain forest, in regeneration from past conversion process.
Altitude: 190 m asl.
Collector(s): D.D. Soejarto & O. Souliya
Collection number(s): DDS 15016
Collection Date: May 24, 2014
Local name(s): ຮຸຸນໄຮ່ (Houn hai)
Medicinal use(s): used as a body tonic
Part(s) used: root
Field Characters: Treelet 2-3 m tall. Leaves simple, alternate. Fruits axillary, green, about 25 cm across.
Locality: Khammuan Province; Nyommalath District; Thongkong Village, roadside of Route to MBP; at the southern reaches of Nakai Nam Theum National Park.
Habitat: Tropical rainforest on flat level lands.
Altitude: 190 m asl
Collector(s): O. Souliya, K. Phoulivong, D. Makiem and S. Pimmavong
Collection number(s): Onevilay_YML_030
Collection Date: July 21, 2023
Additional information:
Voucher specimen is in deposit at the Field Museum (F) Herbarium, Chicago, USA under accession no. 2313894; xxxxxxx.Synonyms, images, taxonomic description:
Plants of the World onlineFlora of China Vol. 11 Pages 162GBIF | Global Biodiversity Information FacilityMedicinal properties:
Microdesmis caseariifolia. Useful Tropical Plants. https://tropical.theferns.info/viewtropical.php?id=Microdesmis+caseariifolia. ccessed on 2/26/2025.
Okeke UB, Adeboye OM, Adeniyi FR, et al. A review on ethnobotany, phytochemistry, and pharmacology of Microdesmis keayana and Microdesmis puberula (Pandaceae). Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 2023, vol. 13(10), pp 001-013. http://www.japsonline.com