(Orchidaceae) Cymbidium aloifolium (L.) Sw.
Local name(s): ເອື້ອງສົບເປັດ, ເອື້ອງນາງກາຍ, ກະດ້າມຜີ (euang sop pet, euang nang kai, ka dam phy)
Medicinal use(s): used in cases of ear infection
Part(s) used: leaves
Field Characters: Epiphyte on a tree trunk, 4 m above ground. Fruits dry, splitting.
Locality: Luang Prabang province, Park Ou district, Medicinal Biodiversity Preserve above Somsanouk village.
Habitat: Subtropical monsoon forest on steep slope, ascending to the base of limestone mountain that rises precipitously to a peak of ca. 1000 m asl. Greater part of vegetation cover was leafless at the time of this fieldwork.
Altitude: 390 m asl.
Collector(s): D.D. Soejarto, K. Sydara, M. Xayvue
Collection number(s): DDS 15424
Collection Date: February 10, 2020
Additional information:
Voucher specimen is in deposit at the Field Museum (F) Herbarium, Chicago, USA under accession no. 2329989.Synonyms, images, taxonomic description:
Plants of the World onlineFlora of China Vol. 25 Page 262,263,264GBIF | Global Biodiversity Information FacilityMedicinal properties:
Hoque MM, Md. Rahman M, Animesh Biswas A, et al. Pharmacological and phytochemical investigations of methanol extracts of leaves, bulb, and root of Cymbidium aloifolium (L.) Sw. (Orchidaceae): a promising ethnomedicinal plant. Springer Science and Business Media LLC 2024. https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-4887855/v1
Kumar A, Chauhan S, Rattan S, et al. In vitro propagation and phyto-chemical assessment of Cymbidium aloifolium (L.) Sw.: An orchid of pharma-horticultural importance. South African Journal of Botany 2022, volume 144, pages 261-269. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sajb.2021.06.030.
Mary Sujin R, Jeeva S, Mary Subin SR. Cymbidium aloifolium: A Review of Its Traditional Uses, Phytochemistry, and Pharmacology. In book: The Phytochemical and Pharmacological Aspects of Ethnomedicinal Plants, 1st edition; Editors: V. R. Mohan, P. S. Tresina, A. Doss, Apple Academic Press, 486 pages, 2021, New York. https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.1201/9781003100768-14/cymbidium-aloifolium-review-traditional-uses-phytochemistry-pharmacology-mary-sujin-jeeva-mary-subin