(Malvaceae) Pterospermum argenteum Tardieu

Local name(s): (sen; ham ao noy)

Medicinal use(s): Treat rheumatism, joint pain. 

Part(s) used: root

Field Characters: Treelet, fruits brown, drying, splitting open into a star-like configuration, seeds winged.

Locality: Bolikhamxai Province, Paksan District, Somsavath Village, Medicinal Plant Preserve, at 20 km from Paksan city center.

Habitat: Secondary forest. Remnants of broadleaved evergreen, lowland tropical rain forest, in regeneration from past conversion process.

Altitude: 190 m asl. 

Collector(s): D.D. Soejarto & O. Souliya

Collection number(s): DDS 15017

Collection Date: May 24, 2014

Additional information:  

Voucher specimen is in deposit at the Field Museum (F) Herbarium, Chicago, USA under accession no. 2313895.

Synonyms, images, taxonomic description: 

Plants of the World onlineGBIF | Global Biodiversity Information Facility

Useful references:

Chatterjee P, Chakraborty B, Nandy S, et al. Pterospermum acerifolium Linn. : A comprehensive review with significant pharmacological activities. Int J Pharm & Life Sci (IJPLS) 2012, vol. 3, issue 2:1453-1458. https://www.ijplsjournal.com/issues%20PDF%20files/feb_2012/9.pdf 

Henkin JM, Sydara K, Xayvue M, et al. Revisiting the linkage between ethnomedical use and development of new medicines: A novel plant collection strategy towards the discovery of anticancer agents. J Med Plant Res. 2017,11(40):621-634. DOI: 10.5897/jmpr2017.6485

Jena J, Verma S, Rai JK, et al. Pterospermum acerifolium Linn: Ethnomedicinal uses, phytochemistry and pharmacology: A review.  Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 2023; 12(1): 708-715. DOI: 10.22271/phyto.2023.v12.i1f.14617