(Malvaceae) Ayenia andamensis (Kurz) Christenh. & Byng
Local name(s): ເຄືອອີເຮີ (Kheua ii heu)
Medicinal use(s):
Part(s) used:
Field Characters: Climber. Leaf simple, petiole long. Flowers in dense clusters, sepals pinkish, stamens yellow arising from dark red base. Fruit globular, with long sharp bristles.
Locality: Khammuan Province; Nyommalath District; Thongkong Village, roadside of Route to Khammouane Medicinal Biodiversity Preserve; at the southern reaches of Nakai Nam Theum National Park.
Habitat: Tropical rainforest on flat level lands.
Altitude: 150 m asl.
Collector(s): O. Souliya, K. Phoulivong, D. Makiem and S. Pimmavong
Collection number(s): Onevilay_YML_012
Collection Date: July 21, 2023
Additional information:
Voucher specimen is in deposit at the Field Museum (F) Herbarium, Chicago, USA under accession no. 2333618.Synonyms, images, taxonomic description:
Plants of the World online 1Plants of the World online 2Flora of China Vol. 12 Page 303, 322GBIF | Global Biodiversity Information Facility
Medicinal properties:
Muthukrishnan,S, Siva P, Parvathi T, Manickam A. (2021). Investigation of Bioactive Compounds from Medicinally Important Herb Byttneria herbacea Extract Using GC-MS. Advances in Bioresearch 2021, 12:170-176. DOI:10.15515/abr.0976-4585.12.1.170176
Prasad RC, Chintala SR, Raza S, Dutt CBS. Folklore medicinal plants of North Andaman Islands, India. Fitoterapia 2008, 79(6):458-464. DOI:10.1016/j.fitote.2008.03.007