(Lauraceae) Litsea cubeba (Lour.) Pers.
Local name(s): ໝາກ ຊາງ, ສີ ໃຄ ຕົ້ນ (mak sang, see kai tohn)
Medicinal use(s): Treatment for smallpox and meningitis.
Part(s) used: root, stem
Field characters: Treelet 4 m tall, fruits dark green, glossy with white dots.
Locality: Xieng Khouang Province, Kham District, Kham Medicinal Biodiversity Preserve, 15 km from Kham town. Ba Tha village, northern edge of MBP at meteorological station site.
Habitat: Broadleaved evergreen submontane forest. Low-statured forest cover along slope.
Altitude: 1499 m asl
Collector(s): D.D. Soejarto, K. Sydara, M. Xayvue
Collection number(s): DDS 14982
Collection Date: May 16, 2014
Additional data:
Voucher specimen is in deposit at the Field Museum (F) Herbarium, Chicago, USA under accession no. 2313856.Synonyms, images, taxonomic description:
Plants of the World onlineFlora of China Vol. 7 Page 118, 122Global Biodiversity Information Facility Biotik LaosMedicinal properties:
Chen, J. et al. Study on Chemical Constituents of The Root of Litsea cubeba.Ⅱ.Chloroform Portion and Ethyl Acetate Portion from Methanol Extract. Chinese J. Pharmaceut. 2010-07.
Jiang, Z. et al. Comparative Toxicity of Essential Oils of Litsea pungens and Litsea cubeba and Blends of Their Major Constituents against the Cabbage Looper, Trichoplusia ni. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2009; 57(11):4833-4837.
Kong, D.-G. Et al. The genus Litsea in traditional Chinese medicine: An ethnomedical, phytochemical and pharmacological review. J. Ethnopharmacol. 2015; 164:256–264. Si, L. et al. Chemical Composition of Essential Oils of Litsea cubeba Harvested from Its Distribution Areas in China. Molecules 2012; 17(6):7057-7066.
Thielmann, J. & Muranyi. Review on the chemical composition of Litsea cubeba essential oils and the bioactivity of its major constituents citral and limonene. J. Essent. Oil Res. 2019; 31(5):361-378.
Wang, H. & Liu, Y. Chemical composition and antibacterial activity of essential oils from different parts of Litsea cubeba. Chem Biodivers. 2010; 7(1):229-35.
Yang, K. et al. Bioactivity of essential oil of Litsea cubeba from China and its main compounds against two stored product insects. J. As.-Pacif. Entomol. 2014; 17(3):459-466.