(Euphorbiaceae) Macaranga sp.
Local name(s): ໄມ້ ແຄນ ຫີນ (mai ken heen)
Medicinal use(s): fever
Part(s) used: root
Field Characters: Shrub; fruits small, round, green.
Locality: Sekong Province, Thateng District, Pa Leng Tai Village, Sekong MBP Thateng
Habitat: Sekong MBP Thateng; roadside; secondary forest, soil red, dry, sandy.
Altitude: 520 m asl
Collector(s): M. Xayvue, S. Setthavanxay, B. Elkington
Collection number(s): BGE 285
Collection Date: November 20, 2019
Additional information:
Voucher specimen is in deposit at the Field Museum (F) Herbarium, Chicago, USA under accession no. 2330389Synonyms, images, taxonomic description:
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