(Gesneriaceae) Rhynchotechum ellipticum (Wall. ex D.Dietr.) A.DC.

Local name(s): ກົກ ​ໝາກ ​ເໝົ້າ ​ນ້ຳ (kohk mak mao nam)

Medicinal use(s): To treat nervous disorders.

Part(s) used: root

Field Characters: Small shrub along stream bank, flowers white with brownish sepals, pubescence brown.

Locality: Xieng Khouang Province, Kham District, Kham Medicinal Biodiversity Preserve, 15 km from Kham town. Ba Tha village.

Habitat: Broadleaved evergreen sub montane forest. Edge of forest near stream.

Altitude: 1130 m asl 

Collector(s): D.D. Soejarto, K. Sydara, M. Xayvue

Collection number(s): DDS 14998

Collection Date: May 7, 2014

Additional information:  

Voucher specimen is in deposit at the Field Museum (F) Herbarium, Chicago, USA under accession no. 2313876.

Synonyms, images, taxonomic description: 

Plants of the World onlineFlora of China Vol. 18 Page 394GBIF | Global Biodiversity Information Facility

Medicinal properties:

Faysal Md, Azad Md, Islam F, et al. Phytochemical investigation, cytotoxic and thrombolytic activity of acetone extracts of Rhynchotechum ellipticum (Gesneriaceae). Pharmacology online 2019, 190-198

Faysal Md, Islam F, Parve A, et al. Phytochemical profiling and pharmacological activities of Rynchotechum ellipticum: A remarkable herbal medicine.  World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 2020, vol. 9, issue 4, pages 16-25.