(Burseraceae) Garuga pinnata Roxb.

Local name(s): (sah kam)

Medicinal use(s): used to treat intestinal ulcer.

Part(s) used: stem

Field Characters: A large tree 20-30 m tall, leaves hairy, fruits large, round.

Locality: Vientiane Province, Feuang Disrict.

GPS reading: 

Habitat: Forest

Altitude: - 

Collector(s): Bounhong Southavong 

Collection number(s): BS 126

Collection Date: May 10, 1999


Local name(s): 

Medicinal use(s): 

Part(s) used: 

Field Characters: Treelet leafless of 10m in heigh on a limestone crevice, fls, and entire inflorescences creamy to dirty white, showy from a distance, each flower dull yellow-white, young fruits green.

Locality: Khammuan Province, Hinboun District, road Hinboun Hydroelectric Station to Vientiane, ca. 4 km from Khoun Kham Village. 

Habitat: Roadside gallery forest at foot of limestone formation.

Altitude: 300 m asl 

Collector(s): D.D. Soejarto, S. Bouamanivong 

Collection number(s): DDS 11962

Collection Date: February 18, 2002


Local name(s): (kok sa kham)

Medicinal use(s): Used to treat stomach aches.

Part(s) used: stem

Field Characters: Tree 8 m tall. Leaves compound, slightly alternate (almost opposite), soft pubescence on leaves and stem. Leaflets sessile, opposite, imparapinnate, spotted with white flecks, dentate, smaller closer to apex, increasing toward tip, 9-15 per leaf.

Locality: Oudomxai Province, Beng District; Tha Kat Village

Altitude: 558 m asl 

Collector(s): A. Libman, V. Somsamut, M. Xaiveu

Collection number(s): LAOS 460

Collection Date: June 15, 2003


Local name(s):

Medicinal use(s):

Part(s) used: stem

Field Characters: Tree, 8-10 meters high. Leaves compound, alternate. Leaflets opposite, pubescence on leaf and stem.

Locality: Oudomxai Province, Beng District; Tha Meun Village

Habitat: -

Altitude: 611 m asl 

Collector(s): A. Libman, V. Somsamut, M. Xaiveu

Collection number(s): LAOS 472

Collection Date: June 16, 2003


Local name(s):

Medicinal use(s): treat polio

Part(s) used: stem

Field Characters: Tree about 9 to 10 m tall.

Locality: Oudomxai Province, Xay District, Wang Hai Village.

Habitat:  Growing on a river bank.

Altitude: 687 m asl. 

Collector(s): A. Libman, K. Phommavong

Collection number(s): LAOS 643 (Libman 223)

Collection Date: August 17, 2004

Additional information:  

  • Voucher specimen is in deposit at the Field Museum (F) Herbarium, Chicago, USA under accession no.2245996;2 252587; 2256524; 2334774.
  • Plant samples 2245996 were collected and submitted for anticancer and anti-HIV testing at the US National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD, USA.

Synonyms, images, taxonomic description: 

Plants of the World onlineFlora of China Vol. 11 Page 107, 108GBIF | Global Biodiversity Information Facility

Medicinal properties:

Bhandari R, Gyawali S, Aryal N, et al. Evaluation of Phytochemical, Antioxidant, and Memory-Enhancing Activity of Garuga pinnata Roxb. Bark and Bryophyllum pinnatum (Lam) Oken. Leaves. Scientific World Journal 2021, 2021:6649574.  doi: 10.1155/2021/6649574 
Chavan S, Dias R, Magdum C.  Garuga pinnata attenuates oxidative stress and liver damage in chemically induced hepatotoxicity in rats. Egyptian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 2021, 8(1), 235–251. https://doi.org/10.1080/2314808X.2021.1961207  
Konakanchi S, Vadluri R, Anumula KS, et al. Antiproliferative, molecular docking, and bioavailability studies of diarylheptanoids isolated from stem bark of Garuga pinnata Rox B. 3 Biotech 2023,13(6):208. doi: 10.1007/s13205-023-03581-4