(Araliaceae) Aralia armata (Wall. ex G.Don) Seem.

Local name(s): ຕ້າງ ຄອນ ໜາມ (tang khohn nam) ; ຕ້າງ ໜາມ ຄັນ (tang nam khanh)

Medicinal use(s): treat polio.

Part(s) used: all parts of the plant

Field Characters: Ground level liana, leaves large, about 1 m long, bi- to tripinnate, densely and sharply spiny along stem, petiole and inflorescence, flowers greenish white, set in long-peduncled umbels, the umbels arranged into a loose, spreading panicles. 

Locality: Oudomxay,  Muang Xay District, Donxay Village, Medicinal Biodiversity Preserve, about 3 km south of the city. 

Habitat: Forested slope in a broadleaved, mixed evergreen lowland tropical rainforest on a mountain slope.

Altitude: 800-900 m asl. 

Collector(s): D.D. Soejarto, K. Sydara, M. Xayuve  

Collection number(s): DDS 15100

Collection Date: September 26, 2014

Additional information:  

Voucher specimen is in deposit at the Field Museum (F) Herbarium, Chicago, USA under accession no. 2314177.

Synonyms, images, taxonomic description: 

Plants of the World onlineFlora of China Vol. 13 Pages 480, 481, 483, 484GBIF | Global Biodiversity Information Facility

Medicinal properties:

Le QU, Le TT, Aralia armata (Wall.) Seem, a potential herb in treatment and complication recover therapy for stroke disease: A mini opinion and call for further research , Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics. 2023; 13(8):3-4   DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22270/jddt.v13i8.5930

Yen PH, Cuc NT, Huong PTT, et al. Araliaarmoside: A New Triterpene Glycoside Isolated From the Leaves of Aralia armata. Natural Product Communications 2020, 15(9). doi:10.1177/1934578X20953300 

Yi Xu, Junyu Liu, Yuanlian Zeng, et al. Traditional uses, phytochemistry, pharmacology, toxicity and quality control of medicinal genus Aralia: A review. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 2022, volume 284, 114671. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jep.2021.114671 
Zhao X, Huang J, Mo Z, et al. Aralia armata (Wall.) Seem Improves Intimal Hyperplasia after Vascular Injury by Downregulating the Wnt3α/Dvl-1/β-Catenin Pathway. Biomed Res Int 2021,12,2021:6682525. doi: 10.1155/2021/6682525